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21 Day Face Yoga Challenge
Face Yoga Challenge with Eva
Day 1: Basics and Relaxing Forehead (13:21)
Day 2: No More 11 Lines (18:53)
Day 3: Sinus and Jaw Openers (22:02)
Day 4: Eye Go with the Flow (17:18)
Day 5: Eyes and Facial Massage (19:32)
Day 6: Release Your Neck and Jaw (25:57)
Day 7: Sculpting the Neck and Jawline (14:26)
Day 8: Shoulder Openers and Reducing Smokers Lines (Mouth) (26:03)
Day 9: Gua Sha Cool Down & Tips (29:58)
Day 10: Eye Openers (25:07)
Day 11: Bye 11 Lines, Hello Jawline! (23:49)
Day 12: A Little Bit of Everything Brings a Smile to Your Face (21:50)
Day 13: Face Massage 2.0 and Reducing Nasolabial Folds (26:07)
Day 14: Eye Heart You & Fish Kisses for Valentine's Day (25:58)
Day 15: Blow out the Candle! (Cheeks 2.0) (22:54)
Day 16: No More Double Chin! (27:59)
Day 17: Full Moon Gratitude (hands free) (19:25)
Day 18: Morning Routine (28:21)
Day 19: Eyes and Forehead (26:31)
Day 20: Lip Smoothers (short and sweet) (18:59)
Day 21: Hands Free Practice (15:59)
Day 12: A Little Bit of Everything Brings a Smile to Your Face
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